Liz DeRoos has organizes a great Summer series for us. It's open to all and the classes are either free or very reasonably priced.
It's a great opportunity to learn a new skill.
Here's what's planned so far:
June 6th at 10 am:
Cheese making with Emily Lewis. There is no cost for this class. It will be a "take and taste" style class where we will learn how to make hard and soft cheeses.
Saturday, June 15th, time TBA:
Soap making with Beth Anderson. We will offer lavender, rosemary, happy camper, and patchouli orange oatmeal. The price is $10, and they get to take home 10 bars of soap.
Saturday, July 13th at 9am:
Canning basics with yours truly. Ronnie & I will go over the basics of pressure canning as well as BWB canning. Cost is $5 for produce and you'll need to bring 6 quart jars with rings and new lids.
Also on the horizon is Basic Blogging with Selena Campbell and Herbal Remedies with Barb Barker.
I am honestly so excited for these classes!
If you're interested in joining any or all of the classes, just let myself or Liz know. You can message me here or on Facebook, call or just stop us at church. The classes are open to all.
Hope to see you there!