Saturday, December 29, 2012
Scripture Memory Team 2013.
While searching around Beth Moore's blog for some info on our upcoming Bible study, The Inheritance, I found an idea that I just love and want to share with you.
Beth Moore is having a Siesta Scripture Memory Team on her blog for 2013. Here's how she describes it:
*We call this a Scripture memory “team” because that’s exactly what we are. We’re a really long line of women standing shoulder to shoulder with our swords drawn. (For you newcomers, Ephesians 6 calls the Word of God the “Sword of the Spirit.”) And we don’t draw our swords to wound people, to convict our family members (God’s job) or to cut off the ears of our hearers. We draw our swords to fight the good fight of faith. While I was saw stacks and stacks of Siesta Scripture Memory Spirals being stuffed into envelopes for shipping, it hit me with fresh impact. What if thousands of women really did memorize 24 Scriptures in 2013?? What are the implications of that? What kind of repercussions might that have in our personal lives and our homes? That’s worth getting riled up over. SO, you bet this is a team. Don’t be too cool for it. Remember, God’s Spirit is a fire. If we’re too cool, we can’t help but quench it. If cheesy works around here, we’re not ashamed. Just throw in a can of jalapenos and grab a tortilla chip.
I am committing to memorizing 24 scriptures this year and I'd love for you to join me.
Let's face it, as women we have all kinds of random knowledge rolling around in our heads. Let's put those steel trap minds to good use this year and fill them up with God's holy word!
I picked up a spiral bound set of index cards that I'm going to use to keep track of my verses. Around the first and third Saturday of each month, I'll be posting my verse for the next two weeks. You can comment here on the blog or on Facebook with your verse. Keep it simple, just your name, verse and Bible translation. Pick your verse based on what God is speaking to you at the time or feel free to copy my verse.
Comment at least 20 out of 24 times in 2013 and come January 2014, we'll head out to a local restaurant to celebrate and have some fun!
Here's my first verse:
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. 7 Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7 NLT
Don't forget to comment below with your verse!
Monday, December 24, 2012
Merry Christmas!
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas! I'm taking the week off to enjoy family and friends. See you next year!
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
A Merry and Content Season.
Last week an idea that has been randomly rolling through my head finally came together for me.
As I sat with a group of ladies, some younger - some older, in the home of a friend, I realized that we are all in different seasons in our lives.
Now I'm well aware this is nothing new. I've even mentioned it before when I spoke about my coveting struggles when I work at UHC at my old job. Just hear me out.
I think it helps to realize and appreciate that we all are in different seasons of our lives. Especially at this time of the year when it can be so tempting to not only over spend from our budgets but also overindulge in activities and general busyness. I know I've thought "Oh, I wish I could do that, but I don't have a sitter" or explaining to the kids why "everyone else we know has gone to Disney" but not us. It's always so tempting to compare our season with others.
Oddly enough, my friend's Keurig drove this point home for me. Tammy is truly one of the main people who helped me as a new mom to get on budget and on track. If it hadn't been for her and Dave Ramsey I wouldn't have had our finances to a place where I could not work full time today.
As I glanced at that Keurig and the women gathered in that home, I thought of all the wonderful women I know and the seasons they are in.
I wasn't happy that I was still single at 29 when all my friends were married around me. God used that season to teach me that He is my bridegroom and to show me that despite my past, I deserved to be treated like a princess.
I wasn't happy when we were having fertility issues and miscarriages. I was absolutely devastated when we lost our little girl Grace. And while I'll never understand why, I learned that God is not scared of my anger at him. He loves me unconditionally.
I wasn't happy on many days when we decided to get our finances in order. It was hard to break a thirty some year streak of instant gratification. But it taught me about being a good steward and the freedom of not overspending.
There are days now that I struggle with everything I have to do. I can easily get bent out of shape over a messy house or the current four loads of laundry on the side of my couch that I need to fold this morning. This is now my season. I have my kids at home with me and it's a constantly messy season. But I'm going to enjoy it because I can already see changes coming. There will be a time when hanging out with Mom and Dad isn't the coolest thing to do.
Wherever you are right now, just take a deep breath. Remember, this is a season.
Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:11-13
As I sat with a group of ladies, some younger - some older, in the home of a friend, I realized that we are all in different seasons in our lives.
Now I'm well aware this is nothing new. I've even mentioned it before when I spoke about my coveting struggles when I work at UHC at my old job. Just hear me out.
I think it helps to realize and appreciate that we all are in different seasons of our lives. Especially at this time of the year when it can be so tempting to not only over spend from our budgets but also overindulge in activities and general busyness. I know I've thought "Oh, I wish I could do that, but I don't have a sitter" or explaining to the kids why "everyone else we know has gone to Disney" but not us. It's always so tempting to compare our season with others.
Oddly enough, my friend's Keurig drove this point home for me. Tammy is truly one of the main people who helped me as a new mom to get on budget and on track. If it hadn't been for her and Dave Ramsey I wouldn't have had our finances to a place where I could not work full time today.
As I glanced at that Keurig and the women gathered in that home, I thought of all the wonderful women I know and the seasons they are in.
I wasn't happy that I was still single at 29 when all my friends were married around me. God used that season to teach me that He is my bridegroom and to show me that despite my past, I deserved to be treated like a princess.
I wasn't happy when we were having fertility issues and miscarriages. I was absolutely devastated when we lost our little girl Grace. And while I'll never understand why, I learned that God is not scared of my anger at him. He loves me unconditionally.
I wasn't happy on many days when we decided to get our finances in order. It was hard to break a thirty some year streak of instant gratification. But it taught me about being a good steward and the freedom of not overspending.
There are days now that I struggle with everything I have to do. I can easily get bent out of shape over a messy house or the current four loads of laundry on the side of my couch that I need to fold this morning. This is now my season. I have my kids at home with me and it's a constantly messy season. But I'm going to enjoy it because I can already see changes coming. There will be a time when hanging out with Mom and Dad isn't the coolest thing to do.
Wherever you are right now, just take a deep breath. Remember, this is a season.
Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:11-13
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Guest post: Voice Recognition
A funny thing happened to us when Kyla was just a newborn.
We were, of course, exhausted from sleep deprivation. Glen was home and he lay down with Kyla, both napping. I was working upstairs on our family website when the phone rang.
I snatched it up quickly, so it wouldn't wake my sleeping beauties. (No one ever called or rang the doorbell, unless Kyla was taking a rare nap.)
I hissed, "Hello?" into the receiver.
"May I speak to Glen?" a woman replied.
"May I tell him who's calling?
"Yes," she said, "his mother."
She had the wrong number, and we hung up when I told her so. Unfortunately, we were not done. The phone immediately rang again. I jerked it up, still wanting to save the quiet in the house.
"Hello?" (We didn't have caller ID at this point...)
Same woman's voice said, "Hello, may I speak to Glen?"
"I'm sorry, like I just told you, you have the wrong number."
"I want to talk to my son! You better let me speak to him!"
Admittedly, I was frustrated. I told her, as calmly as I could at that point, "Ma'am, I know my mother-in-law's voice, and you are not her! You have the wrong number! We have a newborn, and she is asleep. Please do not call back!"
We hang up.
The phone rings a third time.
Resisting the urge to tear it from the wall, I answer with an abrupt Hello, and get a man's voice in reply.
"Yes, may I speak with Glen?"
(I can laugh now, but I assure you it was not funny then.)
"Sir, I assume that I just spoke with your wife, and like I told her, you have the wrong phone number. You are not my father-in-law, I know his voice!"
By this time a little wisdom kicked in, and I unplugged the phone.
This story reminds me of how important it is to have a close relationship with Jesus, so we will know His voice when He calls us home one day.
We were, of course, exhausted from sleep deprivation. Glen was home and he lay down with Kyla, both napping. I was working upstairs on our family website when the phone rang.
I snatched it up quickly, so it wouldn't wake my sleeping beauties. (No one ever called or rang the doorbell, unless Kyla was taking a rare nap.)
I hissed, "Hello?" into the receiver.
"May I speak to Glen?" a woman replied.
"May I tell him who's calling?
"Yes," she said, "his mother."
She had the wrong number, and we hung up when I told her so. Unfortunately, we were not done. The phone immediately rang again. I jerked it up, still wanting to save the quiet in the house.
"Hello?" (We didn't have caller ID at this point...)
Same woman's voice said, "Hello, may I speak to Glen?"
"I'm sorry, like I just told you, you have the wrong number."
"I want to talk to my son! You better let me speak to him!"
Admittedly, I was frustrated. I told her, as calmly as I could at that point, "Ma'am, I know my mother-in-law's voice, and you are not her! You have the wrong number! We have a newborn, and she is asleep. Please do not call back!"
We hang up.
The phone rings a third time.
Resisting the urge to tear it from the wall, I answer with an abrupt Hello, and get a man's voice in reply.
"Yes, may I speak with Glen?"
(I can laugh now, but I assure you it was not funny then.)
"Sir, I assume that I just spoke with your wife, and like I told her, you have the wrong phone number. You are not my father-in-law, I know his voice!"
By this time a little wisdom kicked in, and I unplugged the phone.
This story reminds me of how important it is to have a close relationship with Jesus, so we will know His voice when He calls us home one day.
"My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; and I give eternal
life to them, and they will never perish; and no
one will snatch them out of My hand." (John 10:27 NASB).
Guest post by Selena Campbell who blogs at Campbell Clan, as well as Campbell Cookin'.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Today is mostly a sharing post, starting with sharing my new favorite music. If you follow my personal blog, you'll know that I'm finishing up my Make Your Home A Haven challenge. Part of the challenge is to play relaxing and restful music in your home. I downloaded Christy Nockles "Into the Glorious" and I can't stop playing it. So very good.
Don't forget that tonight starts our Beth Moore study called "Fulfill Your Ministry". This is a low key class just right for this busy time of the year. It runs for the next three weeks. You can choose to do all the homework or just come view the video. (I'm just watching the video).
And lastly.....this week is the Women of Faith Christmas simulcast! I feel like I should follow that statement up with a big "TaDa!". I'm so excited to hear from all the people that are scheduled, but especially Lisa Harper and Kari Jobe. There's still time to call some girlfriends and make plans to attend. I've invited the girls from work. Remember, it's a free event.
That's all the good stuff I have to share for today. Enjoy!
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Retired Minister's Christmas Project.
Woven Ministry will be collecting donations of books of stamps or Wal-Mart gift cards for the retired minister Christmas gifts. Our Potomac District Campground has cottages that house many of our area retired minister widows, and every year we bless them at Christmas with this small token of thanksgiving for their many years of service.
You can leave items at the Welcome Center any time before December 5th.
Thank you so much!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Woven Favorites: Kielbasa & Potato dinner
Let me just be honest here.
My friend Tracey Moore not only submitted this recipe to the Woven cookbook, but she kept telling me what a delicious, quick and easy meal this was. I, however, was highly doubtful.
I think it's because my mom used to make us that awful cheddar wurst stuff when I was in high school. It was her go to meal with a warmed up vegetable and a side of noodles. Oh how I hated that meal.
My problem was that I was getting a surplus of kielbasa. Not that I was buying it, but it came in my HIS food box. I finally decided to bite the bullet and make Tracey's recipe.
Warning: It is not a pretty dish, but it is soo good!
Here's what you need:
1 pound kielbasa, sliced into bite size pieces
2-3 sliced red or green peppers
1 onion diced or sliced
3 cups potatoes, sliced
1 stick of butter
Salt & Pepper to taste.
In a large skillet, melt butter. Add other ingredients and cook until potatoes are tender.
I served mine with homemade applesauce. Everyone cleaned their plate.
I love that this meal comes together in a snap. I used potatoes I had canned as well as sliced peppers from the freezer. It's basically fried potatoes with added goodness.
Now don't let my picture scare you off! Go make this.
Thanks Tracey for the recipe....and I'm sorry I doubted you.
My friend Tracey Moore not only submitted this recipe to the Woven cookbook, but she kept telling me what a delicious, quick and easy meal this was. I, however, was highly doubtful.
I think it's because my mom used to make us that awful cheddar wurst stuff when I was in high school. It was her go to meal with a warmed up vegetable and a side of noodles. Oh how I hated that meal.
My problem was that I was getting a surplus of kielbasa. Not that I was buying it, but it came in my HIS food box. I finally decided to bite the bullet and make Tracey's recipe.
Warning: It is not a pretty dish, but it is soo good!
Here's what you need:
1 pound kielbasa, sliced into bite size pieces
2-3 sliced red or green peppers
1 onion diced or sliced
3 cups potatoes, sliced
1 stick of butter
Salt & Pepper to taste.
In a large skillet, melt butter. Add other ingredients and cook until potatoes are tender.
I served mine with homemade applesauce. Everyone cleaned their plate.
I love that this meal comes together in a snap. I used potatoes I had canned as well as sliced peppers from the freezer. It's basically fried potatoes with added goodness.
Now don't let my picture scare you off! Go make this.
Thanks Tracey for the recipe....and I'm sorry I doubted you.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Pastor Appreciation Sunday.
Today is Pastor Appreciation Sunday. We are blessed to have some of the best people I know as Pastors.
I was just a little preschooler when my Nan started taking me to Trinity. I consider it a great blessing to have had Pastor Crabtree as my Pastor for the past 37 years. I have been baptized by him, married by him, and my children dedicated by him. More importantly, even when I was running away from Christ as a young adult, I was still loved and accepted by him.
Thank you Pastor and Gladys for always being there for me.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Woven Favorites: Angel Wings
Van Johnson submitted this recipe to the Woven cookbook and let me just say, my husband is glad he did.
We love these wings. They are sweet and tangy with just a touch of heat. Even my kids will eat these.
Here's what you need:
1 package of wings or wingettes
Salt & Pepper to taste
Paprika to taste
1/4 cup honey
Tabasco to taste
1/4 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce
1/4 cup barbeque sauce
Squirt of mustard
Place wings in a single layer on a broiler pan for 20 minutes on each side until done.
Mix all ingredients together and brush over wings. Place back in oven until brown.
My wings don't usually take the whole 20 mintues per side. More like 16 minutes. Then again, when I use the broiler I either end up with a great meal or charcol brickettes. Anyways, I do about 16 minutes per side, then brush on the sauce and broil again for just a few minutes.
Thanks for sharing Van!
We love these wings. They are sweet and tangy with just a touch of heat. Even my kids will eat these.
Here's what you need:
1 package of wings or wingettes
Salt & Pepper to taste
Paprika to taste
1/4 cup honey
Tabasco to taste
1/4 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce
1/4 cup barbeque sauce
Squirt of mustard
Place wings in a single layer on a broiler pan for 20 minutes on each side until done.
Mix all ingredients together and brush over wings. Place back in oven until brown.
My wings don't usually take the whole 20 mintues per side. More like 16 minutes. Then again, when I use the broiler I either end up with a great meal or charcol brickettes. Anyways, I do about 16 minutes per side, then brush on the sauce and broil again for just a few minutes.
Thanks for sharing Van!
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Fulfill Your Ministry
Join us on November 28th as we study 2 Timothy 4:1-8. The video study will run for three weeks and will be held Wednesday night in Kidz church. No homework accompanies this study, so it's perfect for the busy Christmas season.
This study is open to everyone, but if you want to purchase a book you will need to pay for it tomorrow.
Hope to see you there!
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Making Your Home a Haven Challenge.
Courtney over at Women Living Well has announced her Fall "Make Your Home a Haven" Challenge which begins next week.
I don't know how I forgot all about this, but I just love doing this challenge. Why? Well, it's easy and it really does seem to help calm things down in my home.
Each week has a new weekly challenge and focus.
Week of November 5th:
Purchase a big candle and light it every day in your home. I place mine in my kitchen. Every time it catches your eye, pray for peace in your home.
Week of November 12th:
Play soft music in your home. One of my favorites for this is George Winston's December: Piano Solos. I'll also play some worship music, like Scripture Lullabies.
The focus this week is using peaceful words and maintaining peaceful relationships.
Week of November 19th:
Focus on the kitchen, the heart of the home. Use this week to make something special for your family, a favorite recipe, homemade bread, something that makes them feel loved. This week is about removing discontentment and thanking God for the home He has given you in which you can create a haven for your family.
Week of November 26th:
Decorate! Make a special place for your family this season. Plan on ways to focus on Christ this Christmas.
I really like this challenge because it's simple and it really works to promote a peaceful environment.
Why don't you think about joining me?
* This post initially appeared on my personal blog
Friday, November 2, 2012
Big News!
You have no idea how hard it has been for me to keep quite about this event. I know it wasn't a "for sure" thing until recently, but now that it is let me just say.....
We're hosting Women of Faith's live Christmas simulcast at Trinity this month!
Open and free to everyone!
It's time to start calling your girls and planning a night out enjoying Women of Faith live on three big screens right here in Fairmont.
If you've been to a Women of Faith event before, you know why I'm excited.
If you haven't, now the time. Amazing worship, inspiring speakers and tons of fun. Best of all, no big drive to Columbus or Pittsburgh.
What better way to kick off the season of sharing Christ's birth with our family, friends, co-workers.....everyone.
Any questions? Comment below or call Tammy at the church.
Can't wait to see you there.
We're hosting Women of Faith's live Christmas simulcast at Trinity this month!
Open and free to everyone!
It's time to start calling your girls and planning a night out enjoying Women of Faith live on three big screens right here in Fairmont.
If you've been to a Women of Faith event before, you know why I'm excited.
If you haven't, now the time. Amazing worship, inspiring speakers and tons of fun. Best of all, no big drive to Columbus or Pittsburgh.
What better way to kick off the season of sharing Christ's birth with our family, friends, co-workers.....everyone.
Any questions? Comment below or call Tammy at the church.
Can't wait to see you there.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Chocolate & Chuckles 2012
Here's a look at this years Chocolate & Chuckles:
Thanks to everyone who helped make Chocolate & Chuckles 2012 a success!
Check back soon for our next adventure.....
Thanks to everyone who helped make Chocolate & Chuckles 2012 a success!
Check back soon for our next adventure.....
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Practice Rehearsing Victories
The following is a guest post from Tracey Moore, who blogs at Building My House.
I have a long story to tell, but bear with me, I have a good point in the end.
I haven't been driving on the interstate for very many years, 18 years to be exact.
Where I grew up there wasn't a close interstate and really there wasn't any traffic, it was a one stop light town. (I love it, by the way). Anyway, since having kids, driving has become one my worst things. Not that I'm a bad driver, but I just panic over everything, I mean, EVERYTHING!
One day, about 5 or so years ago, we (our home school co-op) took a trip to Pittsburgh, PA. I was okay with this trip, it was the first time I drove to Pittsburgh but I had printed off the directions from map quest and was pretty confident that it would be a fine trip. We stopped at a rest stop before we got into town and one of the lead drivers had asked if everyone was fine and talked about the tunnels and on on... I had told him that the tunnels were closed for construction, he didn't know that and wasn't confident in getting into town the other way, so I had to forfeit my directions, my lifeline, my only way in and out.
So, panic sets in. Once I get there I find some friends who say they are leaving well before rush hour to avoid the traffic, so I tell them to not leave without me. In the meantime, I am in the beginning stages of a full blown panic attack. I didn't know what was happening, this has never happened before. I am losing my mind. Luckily, one of my friends suffered from them several times and informed me that I was indeed having a panic attack, which didn't really help the situation, because now, how am I going to get home. And we left right at 5:00! I forgot about any past victories that God had pulled me through. I was just focused on the fear...
I did make it home. It took several months for me to be able to be in the car without having some form of anxiety.
Flashback....(Before Pittsburgh trip)
I drove to Dover, Delaware. I followed my brother up so I wasn't worried about how to get there, but I had to come home, without written directions. Guess what, I prayed before I left his house. My prayer went something like this...God, you have parted the Red Sea a few times and I need you to part this Red Sea for me. I know you can do it and I am going to believe that I make it home without any problems. That means the traffic will be low and I will know exactly where I need to be. Jesus name, Amen. I made it, exactly as I had asked!
There were a couple of other times that the same exact thing had happened. And you know what, God answered my prayer exactly as I had asked. He cares about these things, the things that really get us worked up. He wants us to give them to Him and in the meantime, our faith is built.
Present day...
I was sick and tired of being afraid to travel north on I79. I'm not sure why the residue of that Pittsburgh trip still lingered, but even going to Morgantown was a big issue. A few weeks ago, my sister-in-law was in from Texas to help with my father-in-law, who had knee replacement surgery, and she needed a ride back to the airport in Pittsburgh. Scott and I picked her up and we were going to take her back. Guess what? I volunteered to take her myself. That's right, not a passenger, but the driver.
What was I thinking?
So, the night before God reminded me that David rehearsed his victories. I envision David having a box of some sort with souvenirs from various battles. The jaw bones from the animals he killed, you know, all the fun stuff. And before he went into a battle that God wanted fought, he sat down and opened that box and remembered all the things that God had brought him through. So I opened up that box in my memory of the interstate battles, fought and won, with God's help and I kept rehearsing those victories in my mind and in my heart. My prayer that day went something like this...Okay God, it's me again. We've been down this road before and I know that you have brought me through, but I need you to part this Red Sea for me once again. Could you make the traffic light? Could you make it so there are no vehicles when I need to merge into traffic? Could you give me the wisdom to make quick decisions when I need to do so? Jesus name, amen.
I got in my Jeep and drove to Pittsburgh! No anxiety! And everything I asked for God granted. Another victory to be rehearsed in the future and my faith built.
I want to keep those victories in my memory box and open them regularly, not forgetting who holds my world in His hands. Do you realize how amazing that is?
Thanks forlistening reading.
Until next time, stay blessed,
I have a long story to tell, but bear with me, I have a good point in the end.
I haven't been driving on the interstate for very many years, 18 years to be exact.
Where I grew up there wasn't a close interstate and really there wasn't any traffic, it was a one stop light town. (I love it, by the way). Anyway, since having kids, driving has become one my worst things. Not that I'm a bad driver, but I just panic over everything, I mean, EVERYTHING!
One day, about 5 or so years ago, we (our home school co-op) took a trip to Pittsburgh, PA. I was okay with this trip, it was the first time I drove to Pittsburgh but I had printed off the directions from map quest and was pretty confident that it would be a fine trip. We stopped at a rest stop before we got into town and one of the lead drivers had asked if everyone was fine and talked about the tunnels and on on... I had told him that the tunnels were closed for construction, he didn't know that and wasn't confident in getting into town the other way, so I had to forfeit my directions, my lifeline, my only way in and out.
So, panic sets in. Once I get there I find some friends who say they are leaving well before rush hour to avoid the traffic, so I tell them to not leave without me. In the meantime, I am in the beginning stages of a full blown panic attack. I didn't know what was happening, this has never happened before. I am losing my mind. Luckily, one of my friends suffered from them several times and informed me that I was indeed having a panic attack, which didn't really help the situation, because now, how am I going to get home. And we left right at 5:00! I forgot about any past victories that God had pulled me through. I was just focused on the fear...
I did make it home. It took several months for me to be able to be in the car without having some form of anxiety.
Flashback....(Before Pittsburgh trip)
I drove to Dover, Delaware. I followed my brother up so I wasn't worried about how to get there, but I had to come home, without written directions. Guess what, I prayed before I left his house. My prayer went something like this...God, you have parted the Red Sea a few times and I need you to part this Red Sea for me. I know you can do it and I am going to believe that I make it home without any problems. That means the traffic will be low and I will know exactly where I need to be. Jesus name, Amen. I made it, exactly as I had asked!
There were a couple of other times that the same exact thing had happened. And you know what, God answered my prayer exactly as I had asked. He cares about these things, the things that really get us worked up. He wants us to give them to Him and in the meantime, our faith is built.
Present day...
I was sick and tired of being afraid to travel north on I79. I'm not sure why the residue of that Pittsburgh trip still lingered, but even going to Morgantown was a big issue. A few weeks ago, my sister-in-law was in from Texas to help with my father-in-law, who had knee replacement surgery, and she needed a ride back to the airport in Pittsburgh. Scott and I picked her up and we were going to take her back. Guess what? I volunteered to take her myself. That's right, not a passenger, but the driver.
What was I thinking?
So, the night before God reminded me that David rehearsed his victories. I envision David having a box of some sort with souvenirs from various battles. The jaw bones from the animals he killed, you know, all the fun stuff. And before he went into a battle that God wanted fought, he sat down and opened that box and remembered all the things that God had brought him through. So I opened up that box in my memory of the interstate battles, fought and won, with God's help and I kept rehearsing those victories in my mind and in my heart. My prayer that day went something like this...Okay God, it's me again. We've been down this road before and I know that you have brought me through, but I need you to part this Red Sea for me once again. Could you make the traffic light? Could you make it so there are no vehicles when I need to merge into traffic? Could you give me the wisdom to make quick decisions when I need to do so? Jesus name, amen.
I got in my Jeep and drove to Pittsburgh! No anxiety! And everything I asked for God granted. Another victory to be rehearsed in the future and my faith built.
I want to keep those victories in my memory box and open them regularly, not forgetting who holds my world in His hands. Do you realize how amazing that is?
Thanks for
Until next time, stay blessed,
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Bible study with kids.
Our boys are now 8, 6, and 5. We've been searching for a better choice for our evening Bible story. It just seemed like everything we came across was too young or too old.
Enter my new, most favorite family Bible study:
Each night, we follow Doc as we dig for the truth.
There are four parts to each lesson:
The map tells us where we will be going today.
The dig is the main part of the lesson.
The treasure is the big idea of each lesson.
And finally, the display - how we put this idea into real life.
My favorite part of this book is that unlike many kids Bible story books or devotionals, you actually use your Bible. I love that each night the boys are finding the book of Luke. I love that they are becoming more familiar with the location of the books of the Bible and realizing that the Bible is for them. I love that they are reading the word of God, not just someone else's paraphrase of a Bible story.
The lessons are concise, which helps a lot with the "antsy in the pantsy" problem of many of our previous attempts at family Bible study.
We've been using this book for the past couple of weeks and are really enjoying it. I downloaded my copy onto my Kindle, but it's available for the Nook or as a PDF file as well. I think it's the best $5 I've spent in a long time.
You can check out the website here for more information:
This post was originally published at
Enter my new, most favorite family Bible study:
Each night, we follow Doc as we dig for the truth.
There are four parts to each lesson:
The map tells us where we will be going today.
The dig is the main part of the lesson.
The treasure is the big idea of each lesson.
And finally, the display - how we put this idea into real life.
My favorite part of this book is that unlike many kids Bible story books or devotionals, you actually use your Bible. I love that each night the boys are finding the book of Luke. I love that they are becoming more familiar with the location of the books of the Bible and realizing that the Bible is for them. I love that they are reading the word of God, not just someone else's paraphrase of a Bible story.
The lessons are concise, which helps a lot with the "antsy in the pantsy" problem of many of our previous attempts at family Bible study.
We've been using this book for the past couple of weeks and are really enjoying it. I downloaded my copy onto my Kindle, but it's available for the Nook or as a PDF file as well. I think it's the best $5 I've spent in a long time.
You can check out the website here for more information:
This post was originally published at
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Why I don't go to home group.....and why I should.
Raise your hand if you have good intentions of going to home group.
Yep, so do I.
I actually do have good intentions. When I see that it's home group night in the bulletin I always think "Oh, that would be nice". Every time we go we end up having a good time. We enjoy the people, we have great conversation, great snacks and our kids even have fun playing with the other kids.
So, why don't we go?
Good question.
I think we've just gotten into a habit of not going. I know for myself, as well as many of you, life is busy. Between running our business and working and homeschooling, we hardly ever have down time. We've gotten into the habit of spending Sunday evenings at home as a family.
And that's not necessarily a bad thing.
I think what happens though, is in a bigger church it's easier to feel "unconnected". To just pass through the church nodding and waving hello, but not really connecting with anyone. It's easy to keep it on a superficial level. You know, the "I'm awesome, I've got it all together...see I even have on a dress and earrings today" kinda persona.
And that's not necessarily a good thing.
We need each other. We need to know that it's ok to actually know and care for each other on a personal level. It's not only ok, it's downright Biblical.
So do I end this post telling you I'm going to go to home group from now on, forever and ever amen?
Umm. No. I do try my best not to be an outright liar.
I'm going to try to take one Sunday a month. Just one. And on that one Sunday, I'm going to forgo putting on my jammies at 7pm and snuggling on the couch with my family and popcorn to watch America's Funniest Home Videos.
Instead, I'm going to to go home group.
I'm going to be positive and pleasant, even if the kids are fighting in the car about who gets to be Batman.
I'm going to go even if I'm nervous about meeting new people.
I'm going to go even if I don't have anything to wear.
I'm going to go even if I only have time to pick up a bag of chips and dip.
I'm going to go even if I spent all of service in the lobby with a kid who wouldn't go to class and I have no idea what Pastor spoke about.
You could say the point is, I'm going to go.
How about you?
Yep, so do I.
I actually do have good intentions. When I see that it's home group night in the bulletin I always think "Oh, that would be nice". Every time we go we end up having a good time. We enjoy the people, we have great conversation, great snacks and our kids even have fun playing with the other kids.
So, why don't we go?
Good question.
I think we've just gotten into a habit of not going. I know for myself, as well as many of you, life is busy. Between running our business and working and homeschooling, we hardly ever have down time. We've gotten into the habit of spending Sunday evenings at home as a family.
And that's not necessarily a bad thing.
I think what happens though, is in a bigger church it's easier to feel "unconnected". To just pass through the church nodding and waving hello, but not really connecting with anyone. It's easy to keep it on a superficial level. You know, the "I'm awesome, I've got it all together...see I even have on a dress and earrings today" kinda persona.
And that's not necessarily a good thing.
We need each other. We need to know that it's ok to actually know and care for each other on a personal level. It's not only ok, it's downright Biblical.
So do I end this post telling you I'm going to go to home group from now on, forever and ever amen?
Umm. No. I do try my best not to be an outright liar.
I'm going to try to take one Sunday a month. Just one. And on that one Sunday, I'm going to forgo putting on my jammies at 7pm and snuggling on the couch with my family and popcorn to watch America's Funniest Home Videos.
Instead, I'm going to to go home group.
I'm going to be positive and pleasant, even if the kids are fighting in the car about who gets to be Batman.
I'm going to go even if I'm nervous about meeting new people.
I'm going to go even if I don't have anything to wear.
I'm going to go even if I only have time to pick up a bag of chips and dip.
I'm going to go even if I spent all of service in the lobby with a kid who wouldn't go to class and I have no idea what Pastor spoke about.
You could say the point is, I'm going to go.
How about you?
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Book review: 7. An experimental mutiny against excess.
I was mentioning to my friend Ame that I needed "something good" to read. Enter the recommendation of 7: An experimental mutiny against excess. Apparently, the women's group at her church had used it as their book group over the Summer.
7 is the true story of author Jen Hatmaker, and at times her family, who took seven months, identified seven areas of excess in their lives, and made seven simple choices to fight back against modern excess and simplify as a means of focusing less on stuff and more on God.
I enjoyed most of this book, although it was very convicting at times. I love that she wrote the book in a journal style, describing both her victories and struggles. She was real. I appreciate that.
I do not, by any means, consider myself wealthy. But when you think about it, if you have a roof over your head and food in your belly, you are better off than most of the world. That's pretty easy to forget in our day to day life.
What I loved most about this book was honestly, the timing of reading it. I love when God does that. Ame had no idea I was doing a Bible study on James, yet here she recommends a book that focusing on eliminating some of our "stuff" - our closets full of clothes we can't wear, our schedules packed to overflowing - all for the purpose of focusing on Jesus and loving the people he loves. Taking care of the poor and the needy. Showing love to our families by actually taking time for them.
Sounds like maybe Jen has read a little James herself.
Now granted, I'm not going to go all granola and start recycling tree bark into shoes or anything like that. But I am challenged to live purposefully and with in my means so that I can help others.
I mean, that is what we are called to do. Right?
If you're looking for a good - if not always easy - read, I recommend 7.
Let me know what you think.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Harvest Fest fun.
This Saturday was our annual Harvest Fest.
So. Much. Fun.
As always, there was great fun, food and friends.
Thanks to everyone for all their hard work. It was another great year!
If there's any reason you didn't make it this year, don't worry. We have lots of fun planned for this fall. And there's always next year. Hope to see you then!
So. Much. Fun.
As always, there was great fun, food and friends.
Thanks to everyone for all their hard work. It was another great year!
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Hay slide fun. |
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Eating contest. |
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Face painting cuties. |
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Pizza eating champ. |
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Horse rides. |
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Bouncy house fun. |
Check out the hottie working the zip line. Whoa! |
Hot chocolate was perfect for a cool night. |
Is there anything better than a bonfire and friends? |
If there's any reason you didn't make it this year, don't worry. We have lots of fun planned for this fall. And there's always next year. Hope to see you then!
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Guard my heart and my mind.
I read the paper.
I watch the news.
I listen to the debates.
And fear does it's best to take hold of me.
What will happen to our family, our friends, our country?
I read articles about rising gas prices, food prices, utility prices. While searching for new canning recipes, I stumble upon a whole world of doomsday preppers I didn't know existed.
All this has kept me up at nights.......wondering.....worrying.....unsettled.
But then I remember that this is not what I am called to do.
I watch the news.
I listen to the debates.
And fear does it's best to take hold of me.
What will happen to our family, our friends, our country?
I read articles about rising gas prices, food prices, utility prices. While searching for new canning recipes, I stumble upon a whole world of doomsday preppers I didn't know existed.
All this has kept me up at nights.......wondering.....worrying.....unsettled.
But then I remember that this is not what I am called to do.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Creamy Chicken Enchiladas
I've been making this recipe for....well, eight years now. I first tasted it as one of my "New Mommy" meals. Oh, how I loved getting the new mommy meals. There's just something wonderful about sweet church ladies showing up at your doorstep with a hot meal. Almost makes me want to have another baby.....ummm....well, maybe not.
This recipe was submitted to the Woven cookbook by Dee Dee Vasicek.
8 ounces cream cheese
1 Tbsp water
2 tsp. onion powder or minced onion
2 tsp. cumin
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
3 cups shredded chicken
8-10 flour tortillas
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 cup sour cream
1 cup milk
2 cups pepper jack cheese (we use colby jack - the boys don't like anything spicy)
In a bowl, beat cream cheese, water, onion powder, cumin, salt & pepper until smooth. Stir in chicken. Place 1/4 cup down center of each tortilla. Fold envelope style and place seam side down in a greased 13 x 9 inch pan. Combine soup, sour cream and milk. Pour over enchiladas. Bake uncovered at 350 degrees for 30-40 minutes. Sprinkle with cheese and bake until melted.
This recipe was submitted to the Woven cookbook by Dee Dee Vasicek.
8 ounces cream cheese
1 Tbsp water
2 tsp. onion powder or minced onion
2 tsp. cumin
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
3 cups shredded chicken
8-10 flour tortillas
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 cup sour cream
1 cup milk
2 cups pepper jack cheese (we use colby jack - the boys don't like anything spicy)
In a bowl, beat cream cheese, water, onion powder, cumin, salt & pepper until smooth. Stir in chicken. Place 1/4 cup down center of each tortilla. Fold envelope style and place seam side down in a greased 13 x 9 inch pan. Combine soup, sour cream and milk. Pour over enchiladas. Bake uncovered at 350 degrees for 30-40 minutes. Sprinkle with cheese and bake until melted.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
The benefits of serving others.
This past Sunday was our end of Summer picnic fundraiser for Woven. As I was manning the oven, making scalloped potatoes for 300 people, my mind started wandering.
Mostly, it wandered to the area of "How in the world did I agree to do this?".
And then looking around me, I remembered.....
Mostly, it wandered to the area of "How in the world did I agree to do this?".
And then looking around me, I remembered.....
I do this to spend time with a great group of ladies.
I do this because in serving my church or community, I'm serving the Lord.
I do this because how else would I have gotten to know Rhonda...
or Jennifer in the pretty orange shirt, who kept hiding from my camera!
I do this to help a good cause - serving the women of our community.
And let's face's fun!
If you feel disconnected - like you don't have a place to belong - can I give you some advice? Join in. Serve. Help out.
Whatever you want to call it, just do it.
Woven has a couple of events coming up in October with the Harvest Festival and of course, Chocolate & Chuckles. You can bake a dessert, help decorate, sell tickets....heck, I'll even let you help me clean and decorate the bathrooms if you want!
Please, don't say "Well, no one has asked me.". Guess what? I'm asking you. Right here, right now. Want to get involved? Leave me a comment, give me a call, call the church and talk to Tammy, leave a message on Facebook - there are lots of ways to connect.
Hope to hear from you soon!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
the former things; do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the desert
and streams in the wasteland, (Isaiah 43:18-19).
See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the desert
and streams in the wasteland, (Isaiah 43:18-19).
This is a tough bit of scripture to swallow, forgetting the former things. I cannot imagine how tough it is for those who were directly touched by the terrorist attacks on this date, eleven years ago.
I remember being in my car, driving to Bridgeport on I-79, when I heard the news broadcast about the twin towers. My first thought was of my sister working at the FBI, wondering if it would be a target since we are close to New York and D.C.
Kyla was a little over a year old. Hard to believe how much time has gone by, how quickly it has passed.
I know that when we remember the past, we usually look to it with regret, whether it is a pleasant memory or a painful one. If pleasant, we wish we could go back and relive it, be in that moment again, slow down and enjoy it more, absorbing all that we can before it passes. If it is painful, we wish we could do it over, make wiser choices, listen more, be less reactive.
I did not lose anyone close to me on September 11th. But I know what it is like to spend time looking backwards, dwelling on the past, wishing it were different or to be back in that happy place that is different than my here-and-now. It is a box.
USA Today has an article in today's paper that talks woefully of forgetting what 9/11 did to us and to those who lost something. It tells the story as though moving forward is bad. But the Bible tells us that we need to move forward, that God is doing something new, something refreshing. And we won't realize it--cannot perceive what God is planning--if we are dwelling on the past.
While it is good to honor someone's memory (like I have done for my dad), it is not healthy to dwell regretfully on something that cannot be changed.
I have had such a wonderful year with my husband, such a sense of joy, by giving over -- daily -- my desire to rewrite the past, to make things better because guilt from past failures haunted me. The freedom that comes from looking forward, and trusting the One who sees and knows all, defies words.
It is my prayer that anyone reading this who struggles with painful memories will reach out and take the strong, firm hand of the Savior and make today their first step toward a new thing.
Thanks to Selena Campbell who blogs at for graciously allowing me to repost this on Woven.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Just passing on some info.
I recieved an email from Debbie about the upcoming Bible study. I just thought I would pass it on.
Just a reminder that our Beth Moore DVD study on the Book of James will begin on Wednesday, September 12th!
Thank you for registering for the study guide. The books will be distributed that night. Reimbursement cost for the book is $16 and can be paid as you register at the desk. Checks are to be made out to Trinity Assembly of God / memo - James Study.
Here is a quick outline of our first night together:
6:35 - 7:00 p.m. - Everyone will register with one of our facilitators / teams
7:05 p.m. - Greeting / Prayer / Announcements
7:20 p.m. - Session I (Beth Moore DVD)
8:20 p.m. - Beth Moore recital of the Book of James (10 minutes) -- for those who are considering memorizing the Book of James (Level 5)
8:30 p.m. - Dismissal
Note: We will not break into small groups on our first night. The following week you will meet your facilitator in the coffee shop area and she will direct you to her assigned room / area. She won't be hard to find. Just look for the lady who is holding a pink poster card with your team #.
Every session after registration night will be as follows:
6:45 p.m. - Grap a cup of coffee & a cookie and join your Small Group with your facilitator for discussion of your past week's study lessons.
(If you are not doing the workbook level of this study, you are still welcome to be a part of a small group!)
7:15 p.m. - Return to Kidz Church for Announcements / Prayer / DVD Session
8:30 p.m. - Dismissal
This study is going to be awesome! The theme of this book is "putting your faith into action!"
See you on September 12th
Debbie Starn
Just a reminder that our Beth Moore DVD study on the Book of James will begin on Wednesday, September 12th!
Thank you for registering for the study guide. The books will be distributed that night. Reimbursement cost for the book is $16 and can be paid as you register at the desk. Checks are to be made out to Trinity Assembly of God / memo - James Study.
Here is a quick outline of our first night together:
6:35 - 7:00 p.m. - Everyone will register with one of our facilitators / teams
7:05 p.m. - Greeting / Prayer / Announcements
7:20 p.m. - Session I (Beth Moore DVD)
8:20 p.m. - Beth Moore recital of the Book of James (10 minutes) -- for those who are considering memorizing the Book of James (Level 5)
8:30 p.m. - Dismissal
Note: We will not break into small groups on our first night. The following week you will meet your facilitator in the coffee shop area and she will direct you to her assigned room / area. She won't be hard to find. Just look for the lady who is holding a pink poster card with your team #.
Every session after registration night will be as follows:
6:45 p.m. - Grap a cup of coffee & a cookie and join your Small Group with your facilitator for discussion of your past week's study lessons.
(If you are not doing the workbook level of this study, you are still welcome to be a part of a small group!)
7:15 p.m. - Return to Kidz Church for Announcements / Prayer / DVD Session
8:30 p.m. - Dismissal
This study is going to be awesome! The theme of this book is "putting your faith into action!"
See you on September 12th
Debbie Starn
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Encouragment for moms.
I read this blog this morning and just have to share it. So true...
dear sweet mom who feels like she is failing.
dear sweet mom who feels like she is failing.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
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